Hey, photographer...

What if I told you that in just five months you could have a growing creative wedding photography business that creates increased revenue and build a community that lifts you up - and you will get hours back in your work week too!

"I love being a wedding photographer. I spend my days editing photos & responding to emails, wondering where my next lead will come from. It’s so unpredictable, an it takes up all my time!"

^^Yeah—uh no. That's not exactly what you had in mind when you dreamt up turning your passion into a business, is it?
Hear me loud and clear: no amount of hustling and late-night working is going to soften the feeling of uncertainty in the pit of your stomach about what the future of your business looks like.

Definitely not.

Let’s get real for a second, friend

You’re tired of second-guessing yourself: Am I good enough? Are my prices right? Are they going to book me? Am I going to make enough this year?

Sound familiar?

You’re sick of spending so much time creating beautiful photographs, only for them to hit your Instagram feed for a hot minute and disappear into the digital void.

You’ve spent hours on YouTube learning more than you knew you could about cameras, lenses, flashes, and posing — when all you really want to do is learn how to run your business.

You know that's where the sustainable success comes from.

But you can't figure out how to even begin ... and the nuts-and-bolts of setting all of that up!? It's beyond you.

Plus you're already a busy photographer with everything else on your plate—if you have to figure out the how-to secrets for ONE more thing in business you may just throw in the towel.

Well I see you, and I felt the same way.

That's why I have spent years honing in on what matters in business, stepping into my CEO role, and building a six-figure wedding photography business.

And I want to show you how to do the same.

You’re closer to reaching
that feeling of 

in your business than you think.

Imagine finally having the guidance and clarity to know what you should be focusing on to make moves in your biz, andddd it’s tailored to what you want your life to become. 

Just think about being able to have balance in your business. You'd have a roadmap on where to go so you can focus on building a sustainable business that works, whether you have a family, or want to travel half the year, or just want to get your hair done at noon on a Wednesday- because you can. 

  • Get guidance and vision tailored to your life and business.
  • Achieve balance in your business with a roadmap for success.
  • Feel confident about bookings and pricing, even while taking time off.
  • Wake up excited with clarity and a plan for the future.
  • Build your business with tools and resources through any season.
  • Say goodbye to imposter syndrome, worrying about booking, and uncertainty about business structure.
  • Reach a better-than-ever, profitable wedding season.

A better-than-ever, profitable wedding season is within reach.


"I’m currently projected to make my income goal this season! Along with feeling far more organized and at ease in my business!"

See Katie's Full testimonial below

Katelyn was an AMAZING mentor and I am so grateful I had the opportunity to learn from her. Over the course of the past 6 months Katelyn has helped me with everything from marketing to editing to posing; because of her I am finally a confident photographer. She encouraged me to be the photographer that I have always wanted to be, and she became a genuine friend along the way. I am so thankful to have had this mentoring opportunity with such a kind, caring, and talented human."
Katelyn is a wonderful teacher and mentor. She is kind, motivating and knows just how to bring out the best in each person.

Melissa Gebert Photography

For wedding photographers

Welcome to

Ascend Foundations Group coaching

The comprehensive wedding photography coaching program that uses my "Golden brain" method (left-brained strategy that drive right-brained creativity) so that you can build a business that's all artist in the front and CEO in the back.

You'll walk away with...

  • A business that has a solid foundation that you can grow from year after year.

  • Workflows and hacks that will save you so much time.

  • A magnetic brand voice that feels like you, not every other photographer.

  • The confidence of a CEO who knows exactly how to run their business.

  • A library of recorded calls and resources that you can return to and keep implementing in your business.

  • A completely redesigned business foundation that works like a well-oiled machine.

  • Increased revenue that provides security in your business.

  • A zeroed-in approach to working with your ideal clients.


With my coaching program, you'll learn how to give your clients a stellar experience, charge more for your services, and work on your business instead of just in it.

But that's not all – I'll also help you perfect your editing and workflow skills so you can save time and attract more inquiries. You'll gain a deeper understanding of your business needs, which means no more stress about when your next inquiry will come in.

And the best part? You'll finally feel like the CEO that you are! By joining Ascend, you'll gain clarity, actionable steps for growth, and more time back in your week and your life.

After Your coaching

3 months of group coaching

+ Two monthly group coaching calls (120 min.) where we work through everything it takes to run a sustainable, thriving photography business.

+ Access to a library of resources such as financial planning sheets, blogging guides, and email templates.

+ Unlimited voxer support (mon-thurs) for support throughout your coaching to talk through questions and celebrate your wins.

+ Group homework, resources, and accountability that will keep you on track to reaching your goals.

Ascend Foundations coaching




Currently enrolling for June 2023

How Do I apply?

Here's the process:

Step One

Step Two

Step Three

Click on the Apply button anywhere on this page to fill out a questionnaire that will help me understand your biggest hurdles and goals! I’ll send you a response shortly on how to get set up for Ascend!

We’ll focus on your goals first, so we can plan out your coaching to be impactful and specific. Each month, we’ll work in the “golden brain” framework to build your success! 

Five months from now - your working with aligned clients and seeing more organization and efficiency in your business, and your spending your free time being present and enjoying your business.


I'm throwing in an additional 1:1 call for goal setting, so you can gain clarity without wondering where to begin.

OOO I'm In

Did I mention the icing on the cake?


+ Keep photographing content and getting some likes on Instagram, but you're not going to see any big returns if you don't know how to utilize it.

+ Running giveaways and giving discounts, only to realize you LOST money by doing so

+ Continue booking whoever lands in your inbox, regardless of if they're your ideal client or not, and stay on the road to burnout by not enjoying your work.

Sure, you could:

Or you can say SIGN ME UP and know that you’re headed in the direction of a successful and sustainable business.


When you add it all up it's a value of over $9000 ... but you can get started for just...


Apply now

Katelyn was an AMAZING mentor and I am so grateful I had the opportunity to learn from her. Over the course of the past 6 months Katelyn has helped me with everything from marketing to editing to posing; because of her I am finally a confident photographer. She encouraged me to be the photographer that I have always wanted to be, and she became a genuine friend along the way. I am so thankful to have had this mentoring opportunity with such a kind, caring, and talented human."
Katelyn is a wonderful teacher and mentor. She is kind, motivating and knows just how to bring out the best in each person.

Melissa Gebert Photography

"After 7+ years as a professional photographer, I found myself feeling stuck and uninspired. I knew where I wanted to go, but had no idea how to get there. Working with Katelyn has helped shape my business into everything I wanted and more."

Melissa gebert Photography

Katelyn was an AMAZING mentor and I am so grateful I had the opportunity to learn from her. Over the course of the past 6 months Katelyn has helped me with everything from marketing to editing to posing; because of her I am finally a confident photographer. She encouraged me to be the photographer that I have always wanted to be, and she became a genuine friend along the way. I am so thankful to have had this mentoring opportunity with such a kind, caring, and talented human."
Katelyn is a wonderful teacher and mentor. She is kind, motivating and knows just how to bring out the best in each person.

Melissa Gebert Photography

✨ A free discovery call with me to talk through your goals and struggles so I can confirm that this will be a great investment into the future of your business! ✨

Let's brainstorm

Here's what I want to give you Just for applying:


Hey! I'm Katelyn

Hello there! My name is Katelyn, and I know what it's like to feel overworked and underpaid in a job that doesn't serve your life. But I'm here to tell you – it doesn't have to be that way.

In just my second year of business, I transformed my life by becoming a wedding photographer that set out to build a career that was intentional, heart-centered, and innovative. Now, as a full-time wedding and elopement photographer, I'm able to set my own rules and make my own hours.

I've built a six-figure wedding photography business, working with the kindest and most creative couples to capture their dream weddings. And I want to share my knowledge with you.

 I used the “golden brain” tactics, meaning left-brained strategy that drives right-brain creativity, I transformed my life by becoming a wedding photographer that set out to build a successful six-figure career that is intentional, efficient, and heart-centered.

My goal as a coach is to help you tap into your unique talents and skills (both left and right brained ones!) to build a successful business.

I've built a photography business that serves my life, and I really love my life.




I didn't invest in coaches until way later than I should have. Once I did, it was life-changing. 

In 2021, during an ongoing PANDEMIC, I brought in well over $100,000. An increase of $46,772, from 2019 and I don't think that would have happened without the strategies and support of multiple coaches (and a therapist.) 😊

Talk about ROI. I made back over 5x what I spent on coaching during that time period. My most profitable year ever! 

I've built a six-figure wedding photography business, working with the kindest and most creative couples to capture their dream weddings. 

I'm here to inspire and guide you to do the same. With over 10 years of experience under my belt, I can share proven strategies and actionable steps to help you achieve your goals. Let's work together to build a business that serves your life and allows you the freedom you deserve.

You know you have the drive and potential to hit new heights, and with me as your coach, you’ll have the roadmap to know you’re headed in the right direction, and headed there fast. 

I'm ready to grow!

"Because of Katelyn, I am finally a confident photographer. She encouraged me to be the photographer that I have always wanted to be, and she became a genuine friend along the way."

Forever Photos Maine

Katelyn was an AMAZING mentor and I am so grateful I had the opportunity to learn from her. Over the course of the past 6 months Katelyn has helped me with everything from marketing to editing to posing; because of her I am finally a confident photographer. She encouraged me to be the photographer that I have always wanted to be, and she became a genuine friend along the way. I am so thankful to have had this mentoring opportunity with such a kind, caring, and talented human."
Katelyn is a wonderful teacher and mentor. She is kind, motivating and knows just how to bring out the best in each person.

Melissa Gebert Photography

-You're beyond ready to take your business to the next level, but you don't know where to put your efforts

- Feel underwhelmed with bookings but overwhelmed with managing them

- Have the drive to make more money but you don't know where to begin

- You have a fully booked calendar for the next year

- Enjoy the hustle of working and don't want more free-time

How to know that you're a perfect fit:

This isn’t for you if…

Special pricing for june cohort

LoWEST PRICES EVER when you sign up for the june-September Program. 

Bonus 1:1 when you sign up

Receive an additional 1:1 call with Katelyn, for June Clients only.

answers to

Your questions

If you've never tried coaching before, let me tell you it's life-changing. After I (finally) invested in business coaching, I made $47000 more than I ever had in business. So yeah, it works! 

What if I’ve never done coaching before?

If nothing changes, nothing changes. Do you want to look back next year and still be in the same place you're in now, wondering where your next lead will come from or how you can create a more successful business? You'll be missing out on the roadmap to achieving that success NOW.

What if I don’t sign up? Will I be missing out? 

Ascend is really catered to where you want to grow in your business, but we generally pick a focus based on your goals. This can look like: raising your prices, creating workflows, building your client experience, creating a magnetic brand, improving your editing and technical skills, learning more about how to shoot weddings, and more!

What topics do we cover?

YES! I wanted to make Ascend accessible for everyone, so I have a few extended payment plan options. Ascend costs equivalent to a few weddings, or a handful of senior sessions, or even a couple print sales, and I'll show you exactly how to make that return on your investment.

I just don’t think I can spend that right now! Isn’t there a payment plan?

Let's get on the phone! I would love to learn more about your business and come up with a customized coaching plan for you!

I have more questions—how can I get in touch?


At this point, it comes down to

What is a future as a successful wedding photographer worth to you?

You’re over watching youtube videos and google searching how to do this thing.

You don’t want to play the comparison game on social media anymore. 

You KNOW there are clients out there that are searching for someone like you right now. You just need the strategy to be able to show them you're the perfect fit.

And with a coach by your side and a roadmap in hand, you’re on your way. 


If you're serious about growing your wedding photography business, you owe it to yourself to explore the benefits of business coaching. 

let me help you:

+ Create a business foundation that works like a well-oiled machine

+ Design workflows that will save you so much time

+ Step into your brand voice and start attracting your people

+ Become a confident CEO who knows exactly how to run their business

+ Find freedom in the opportunities you have

+ Make more money doing what you’re passionate about

Interested in a more intensive 1:1 experience?

1:1 coaching is ideal for established photographers who are looking to hit the next level, whether that's diversifying income, reaching a higher end market, working with your ideal client, and building a life-serving business. This program is tailored to your specific business needs, and we'll work together to identify your goals and develop actionable steps to achieve them.

Ascend 1:1


That feeling of being drawn to keep growing —that’s called intuition. You deserve to follow it.

Say yes to taking the first step towards a brighter future TODAY.